“The quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally.”
I wanted to share something personal with you, something I’ve been working on for a while. This isn’t the first attempt at writing this book. I got through four chapters before life threw me a curveball – Mr. made a comeback, and suddenly, there was more to the story. But here I am, taking another shot at it. No expectations, just the belief that this will finally bring the closure I need to let go.
I know I might face judgment for speaking my truth, and that’s okay. I know who I am and how far I’ve come. It’s just an experience I need to have. This journey started almost 18 years ago, and it’s time to move on. I needed to sever our final energy cord, and what better way than to rip off the band-aid.
Why release it on my birthday? Well, getting fired in September turned out to be a blessing. It gave me the time to edit and learn to publish. Grateful for the push, as I doubt I’d have finished it otherwise.
I follow the Earth’s cycles, and my New Year is Samhain. This is when I set goals for the new cycle. Completing my book by my birthday was one, and then a retreat to Peru came into view, hosted by one of my favorite people, Lara. I’ve been to this retreat spot before, maybe I wrote about it. If not, I definitely will when I return.
Originally, I thought of returning to the jungle for plant medicine. After a year on various medications, I’m on a journey to reclaim my health. The goal is to let a master plant guide me, so I don’t rely on pharmaceuticals anymore. Yes, that’s the plan, but the trip’s dates align perfectly with my book release – 11th to 29th, ideal for release work.
Now, I can see why I’m being called back to let Mother Ayahuasca guide me through this transition.
I’m not promising a release on the 8th of February. Self-publishing is new to me, and it’s a learning curve. I’ll let organic timing do its thing.
Love and Light,
See you on the other side.